Alternative and out of office authorisers for purchase orders and requisitions

How to

Choose an alternative authoriser for when you are 'out of office'

You can choose an alternative authoriser for yourself, for example when you are out of the office.

Open: Settings > Purchase Orders > Authorisation Out of Office.

  1. Select the alternative authoriser from the Alternative list.
  2. Click Save.

Any order or requisition that requires your authorisation can now be authorised by the alternative authoriser.

Tip: To remove an alternative authoriser, delete their name in the Alternative box and click Save.

Choose alternative authorisers for yourself or other people

You can choose alternative authorisers for yourself or other people.

Open: Settings > Purchase Orders > Maintain Alternative Authorisers.

  1. Click Alternative Authorisers.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select the authoriser from the Authoriser list.
  4. Select the alternative authoriser from the Alternative list.
  5. Click Save.

Choose a Super Authoriser who can authorise any order or requisition

You can set someone to be a Super Authoriser, which means they can view and authorise all purchase orders and requisitions, regardless of any authorisation rules.

It is useful to have at least one Super Authoriser. This allows the order or requisition to be authorised even when the normal authoriser is absent.

Open: Settings > Organisational and Financial > User Access.

  • Select Super Auth for the user.
  • If you set an alternative authoriser for this user, the alternative authoriser will not inherit the Super Authoriser permissions.
  • Once a Super Authoriser has authorised a purchase order or requisition, no other authorisation is required. This applies even when a purchase order is covered by more than one rule group.

Useful info

About alternative authorisers

If you have set up authorisation rules for purchase orders or requisitions, you can choose alternative authorisers who can authorise an order or requisition on behalf of the original authoriser. This is useful when people are not available due to sickness or holiday.

  • An alternative authoriser can view and authorise any order or requisition that can be authorised by the original person (set in the authorisation rule).
  • If the alternative authoriser also sets up an alternative, this new authoriser becomes the alternative authoriser for both people.
  • If the original person is a Super Authoriser who can authorise any order or requisition, the alternative authoriser does not inherit their permission to view and authorise any order or requisition.

Set user access to alternative authorisers

It is a good idea to control who can access to the screens that allow you to set alternative authorisers and set up authorisation rules.

Note: Restricting access to the Maintain Alternative Authorisers screen doesn't stop people setting up an alternative authoriser for themselves, as they can still use the Authorisation Out of Office screen.

To set user access to these screens:

Open: Settings > Organisational and Financial > User Access.

  • Choose which users can have access to these features:
    • Set alternative authorisers for anyone, for both purchase orders and requisitions, using Maintain Alternative Authorisers.

      Purchase Order Processing > Administration > POP Alternative Authorisers.

    • Set purchase order authorisation rules.

      Purchase Order Processing > Administration > POP Authorisation Rules.

    • Set purchase requisition authorisation rules.

      Purchase Order Processing > Basic > POP Requisition Rules.
